Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Always Something

Due to a miscommunication, I spent a few hours in Labor & Delivery yesterday. For over a week I've consistently had 2-3 contractions per hour. Monday and Tuesday baby was barely moving. Chris made me promise to call the doctor, so I did. I left a message for her and sat back and waited. It took 2 1/2 hrs for the nurse to call back, she told me to go to the hospital right now. Really?! I didn't feel that anything serious was happening. But I'm not a doctor, so what do I know?

I was hooked up to a fetal monitor, and guess what? Baby boy attacked the dang thing. And then promptly lost interest. After recording his heart rate, movements and my contractions, they notified my doctor that all was well. Her response? "Oh, I thought she was having over six contractions an hour." Um. No. Who said that? If I were having that many, I wouldn't waste time calling the doctor, I would run myself straight to the hospital.

I'm upset that I had to go, but it wasn't a total waste. Turns out I have a urinary tract infection which could be the source of the contractions. It's always something. Can this pregnancy be drama free from here on out? Please?  I've seriously had enough stress.  It's time for this baby to be a good boy and behave.

Other than that, things here are pretty mundane. Knitting mitts and baby hats. This weekend I'll be making some hair bows for my cousin's baby. Simple and relaxing. It'll hopefully stay that way. If you'll excuse me, this mama needs a snack. Toodles!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Only Sunshine

Last week we celebrated 11 years together. Later this summer, we will celebrate 10 years of marriage. It's incredible how time flies, isn't it? I can say with complete honesty that Chris is no longer the man I married. He's gotten better with age.

I'm a child of divorced parents. It's always been hard for me to imagine two people staying in love for decades. People change. They grow apart, they grow bored. I'm amazed that after all these years, we don't fall into any of those categories.

For the last two months, my husband has done all the housework, grocery shopping, and cooking. He's taken care of me, our daughter and the dogs while working extra hours. And he's never complained. Not once. Instead, he did his best to find time to bake cookies, do science experiments and play chess with Grace.  Even now that I'm done with bed rest, he insists on taking on the brunt of the work.  Chris has become the most incredible husband and father, more than I deserve. I love and appreciate him every day, I do my best to make sure he knows it. I am so blessed to have this beautiful family.

We spent yesterday celebrating Chris' grandma's 90th birthday. Maxine and Francis have been married for 70 years. Talk about a loving marriage. After all these years, they are still very much in love.  Their easy chairs are close enough to comfortably hold hands.  Fran pushes Maxine around in her wheelchair, helps her bathe, makes sure her oxygen tank is full.  Maxine can't keep her eyes off of him, she always reaches out to caress her husband.  She looks at him with such love and admiration, it makes you jealous.

I hope that one day, this will be me and Chris. That our love will continue to deepen. I hope we always hold hands.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Three days back at work. My body is worn out. It hurts as if I've run a marathon. My abdomen feels as though I've done 100 crunches. My joints ache. Today, I passed out on the couch for three hours when I got home. Isn't that pathetic?  Luckily for me, tomorrow is my day off.  I don't intend to do anything but rest.  Maybe bake a batch of Monster Cookies, but nothing too taxing.  Tonight I made an easy supper of Bubble Up Pizza.  It was pretty dang good, just needs a tad more sauce next time.  It was the perfect meal for me to whip up, so very simple and yummy.

What I really wish I could do is exercise.  I had been doing some gentle yoga sequences last week, but I started getting Braxton Hicks.  Now that I'm back at work, the contractions have gotten worse.  I don't feel safe doing anything more than stretches.  Which are so amazing for my back and legs.  When I was pregnant with G, I would walk for hours every day.  It's astounding how different pregnancies can be, isn't it?  My pregnancies are almost polar opposites.  Chris has made it very clear this will our last baby.  He's convinced I wouldn't survive another.  Sad, but he's probably right.  I'm just going to continue getting older, and my chances of complications are just going to keep getting higher.  I choose to never say never.

Lately, I've been listening to Worn by Tenth Avenue North.  "I'm worn, even before the day begins. Yes,  I'm worn I've lost my will to fight.  I'm worn, so heaven come and flood my eyes."  It speaks to me. 

Anyways.  It's time for me to catch up on Elementary.  Jonny Lee Miller is one of my favorite Sherlocks.  Cross your fingers I don't eat all the cookies tomorrow!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

9 To 5

First day back at work!  After 2 1/2 hours, I was forced to concede that Chris and the doctor were correct.  I am not in any shape to work full time.  I had a whopper of a contraction!  And I've had quite a few small ones since coming home.

To be safe, I've been taking it easy.  I did some stretches, but nothing intense.  Just light moves to relieve back and leg pain.  My plan was to bake this delicious looking chocolate cake when I got home, but it is definitely more than I can handle right now.  I hate having to admit that.  Baking a cake is too much work for my body right now. 

But that's alright. I have nice, easy dinner planned that should be simple enough for Chris to make if I don't feel up to it.  It has macaroni noodles and cheese, so I know my two nerds are going to love it.  It doesn't take much to make them happy.  Last night, they had fun with science experiments.  I have no idea what they were doing, but they were burning things to see what colors the flames would turn.  It was pretty cute listening to Grace yammer on about sodium and oxygen and the periodic table.  It was all foreign to me!

Hopefully this week will continue to be a smooth return to my regular daily routine.  I'm now fully aware of my body's need for rest.  If I'm really lucky, that cake will be in my tummy by the end of the week!