Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Put Your Party Pants On

FREEDOM!!! Ok, mostly freedom. Little man has moved off of my cervix, and today, the doctor gave me the go ahead to return to work on Monday.  It's only part time, I can only work up to four hours, but that's better than nothing!

Chris isn't happy about it. He worries. A lot.  If he could keep me in a plastic bubble, he would. I have graciously accepted his work restrictions. I am only allowed to vacuum, fold laundry and wipe counters. We will discuss cooking/baking on a case by case basis. I love that man. I love that he worries and fusses over me. He's pretty spectacular.

In celebration, I ordered seeds for the garden.  This year, we plan on doing a lot of canning, preserving and freezing.  We choose to grow non GMO produce.  This is the second time I've order from this farm.  I am itching to start growing!

Overall, it was a good day.  Yes, there's still a chance baby boy will make an early escape.  But I simply refuse to spend my day worry about something that may or may not happen.  I will take it easy, relax, and not over do it.  Whatever happens, happens.  All we can do is pray and hope.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Impatiently Patient

It's almost Thursday. Chris still says I'm going to be kept on bed rest, but he very well could be wrong. At this point, I'd be happy with modified bed rest. At least I would have a little more freedom. The baby would probably really enjoy a yoga session right now.

Monday was a rather lovely day for me and Grace. We watched Lemony Snicket, we did some knitting, made play doh ice cream, and she painted me lovely pictures.  There was even some quiet reading time.  Grace helped me make breakfast and lunch, and ate her weight in fruits and veggies for snacks.  I wish I could've been more involved and hands-on, but oh well.  We had a wonderful day together, that's all that matters. 

Tonight, I'm going to have Chris haul my sewing machine upstairs.  There's a headband I want to make G, and also some hair rollers.  No, seriously.  How cute are those?!    They look really simple and quick.  I have all the required supplies.  The only problem I forsee is being able to sit in a chair long enough to sew them all.  I may have to do a few here and there.  I can't sit upright for very long.  It gives me horrible abdominal cramps.  I usually don't even eat at the dinner table. 

I will give it a whirl, if it's too painful, it can always wait until I no longer get cramps.  Or until the baby arrives, whatever happens first!  For now I have my knitting, and cross stitching.  It's enough.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Focus On The Good

This was a pretty great week. On Thursday, my lovely friend, Anne, stopped by for a visit. She brought lunch, cookies, crafts, books and dinner! We spent a few hours chatting and laughing, it was wonderful. Last night the Bells stopped by with more laughter and bright moments. Faye and I knitted the night away while she planned my baby shower.

It was great to spend time with amazing people. Our hearts were lightened. Hopefully, this week will be as nice. On Thursday I have another ultrasound. Chris told me it's time to accept the fact that I'll probably spend a few more weeks on bed rest. I know he's right. I can barely sit up right, let alone stand or walk for more than a few minutes. But I can hope.

Tomorrow Grace will be home with me. Poor kid. I wish we could go paint pottery or bake cookies. Hell, I'd be happy to simply sit at the table and do puzzles. Maybe we can play battleship, or knit and watch a movie. Grace will most likely end up taking care of me. She is such a wonderful helper.

Here's hoping for good news at the doctor!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Let It Be

The bed rest continues!  It's insanely boring.  I do my exercises, (this lady doesn't want blood clots) I knit, watch Netflix and read.  All day.  Every day.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  I watch helplessly as my husband does everything.  Work, cook, laundry, chores, take of G and the dogs.  I can't help with any of it.  Oh, wait, I can fold laundry.  I fold the hell out of it, too!

Went to the doctor on Friday.  We were informed that if baby is born between 22 and 26 weeks, (I'm 21 weeks now)baby has a chance of surviving.  But.  Baby could be born just fine, in need of lots of care but otherwise ok,or he could be born with serious health issues.  Like severe brain hemorrhaging.  The doctor wants us prepared.  She wants us to discuss how far we want the medical staff to go in order to try and save our baby.

Chris is overwhelmed.  He's a tad broken, we both are.  It's one thing knowing that I'm at risk for preterm labor.  It's one thing knowing that we could lose the baby.  It's a whole other kind of devastation having to seriously talk about the possible death of our child.  And being the one to make that choice.  Under what circumstances are we willing to fight for our son's life, and what will make us say, "Let it be."  Let him rest.

We are hoping for the best, but we are not ignorant of the worst.  We continue to hope, we continue to put our faith in Him.  I remain ever hopeful that all will be well in the end.